A special annoucement

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Hello Reader,

What’s this, two emails from Kevin in one week?!

I try not to send out more than one a week unless I have a special announcement, and as you well know having read the title of this email, I have one!

I’m launching memberships on YouTube.

If you sign up, you’ll get:

  • early access to my videos
  • member-only monthly updates
  • badges and member-only emoji to use in replies and livechats
  • be able to influence my content via polls
  • access to a private channel in my Discord
  • and at higher levels, you’ll also get course discounts, project reviews, and more.

Also, I’m going to be trying to do monthly or bi-monthly live streams (starting this Friday!), and I’ll have member/patron-only Q&A sessions during those as well.

As for my regular content, nothing will change.

In fact, I’ve long had a Patreon with very similar perks to what’s being offered here.

I’ve realized that using a third party can cause extra friction, and I’ve had some people tell me they really don’t like Patreon. The support from Patreon has been a huge reason for my channel’s success, though!

The people supporting me there have enabled me to upgrade my video and audio equipment, and it helps pay for my editor as well.

All the money I make from my supporters is to invest back into my channel, so instead of seeing it as supporting me, it’s supporting my channel and helping improve it for everyone 🙂.

For those who do sign up, thanks a lot, and for those who don’t, simply watching my videos is already a great way to support me, and if you really like a video, sharing it is super appreciated as well.

Quick Q&A

What’s happening with the Patreon? Nothing will change there! I can’t offer all the same perks as I do there because of the different systems, so some of the tiers and perks are slightly different, but I’ve tried to keep things very similar, and at similar price points.

I don’t have the means to support you. That’s fine! I realize that not everyone can. The goal here isn’t to extract money from people, but to give people who’d like to support me an easy way to do so, and get a few perks out of it along the way.

I don’t want to sign up for a recurring subscription. Trust me, I completely understand that! I don’t have anything set up specifically for one-time “thanks”—though YouTube does offer super thanks in the comments of videos. I would say that simply watching and occasionally sharing my content is more than enough, though! And if you haven’t already, I do have courses that have the added benefit of you getting something out of it too 🙂.

So, if you’d like to, you can become a channel member, or support me on Patreon.

And whether you decide to or not, it’s all good, and I’ll see you in your inbox next Sunday, back with the regularly scheduled content!


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113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205

Hi! I'm Kevin

Every week I share what I've been up to over on YT (and elsewhere), and also my general musings.

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